My discoveries ========================= The Lord has allowed this warrior to discover many enlightening things, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) - I try not to use the words “I am”, as I have come to believe that this is a Title for God. because in Exodus 3:14 God says: “Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.” and the third commandment warns us, Exodus 20:7=”You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain”' and in my King James version the word Christ is in a different font, meaning that the word was not there in the original Greek text, so it should say “many shall come,,, saying I am
Have you noticed that lately, there have been a lot of commercials, that use “I am” in them, I noticed this first with the “I am Canadian”commercial,
Notice how it is used more in TV shows and movies, People that boast say “I am” right, “I am” the boss, “I am” the best, or some other very proud statement. - (2) - I know that the Trinity may be a problem for many people, so I asked for some enlightenment, and I believe that the Good Lord has shown me, a good way of explaining the Trinity doctrine,,, the Godhead is a Trinity and man is also made in three parts GOD . . =(like)= man = defining traitsFather . . =(like)= mind = in charge, brains, intelligence, memory Son . . . =(like)= body = your frame, the part that does + contains everything Holy Spirit=(like)= soul = personality, temperament, emotions, will (I know that the Trinity=God consists of three different Personages) (while man is made of three parts, we are only one being) - (3) - Aliens and ghosts are a part of reality, Flying saucers and haunted houses really do exist, they are just not what they pretend to be, ALIENS are not further evolved creatures, nor are GHOSTS the spirits of dead people, They are both spirits though,,, Spirits of fallen angels,,,
pretending to be other than they are, in order to deceive us humans, into believing that the Holy Bible is false,
Angels are all male,,, there are no female angels) (God only wanted a limited number = no offspring) (He did not create any female angels) (fallen angels took women as wives = Gen 6:2) (and had children = Nephillim = corrupting the gene pool) (so God wiped them all out in the flood)
Just like before the flood, (Geneses 6:2) I believe that aliens will make their selves known to earth, even appearing on TV, shortly after, or immediately preceding the rapture, probably giving a crafty explanation for the disappearances, of all the born again Christians, (John 3:7) - (4) - Since becoming “born again”-(in 88), I have always known in my heart, that we were the generation spoken of, in the Bible, that got to see Christ return, and I was always looking for proof, to show both believers, and non believers, just how close His coming was,,, in all of His Glory and Power,
It seems pretty obvious to me. that we are now living in the end times, Even though so many people do not pay attention, to the many signs of the times all around us, Now I have mathematical proof from the Bible, that we are indeed the final generation, meaning that we will get to see Christ return to this earth,,,
This last generation started in 1967.441 when Israel took control of Jerusalem this is because the tribulation is the last week of Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy which a prophecy concerning Jerusalem = (holy city) He shared this with me some time in 2003-2006
(I don’t understand why this was not figured out earlier) (this could have been discovered ever since the six day war) (I guess that we just had to wait for His timing) - He has shown me some extremely unique things (5) – the first gift that He shared with me, was the very same weekend that I became born again I believe that He showed me a complex new joystick idea which rapidly came in waves of intricate visions each view was gaining more depth in complexity this “joe-stick” has linear motion in all three axis’s as well as the ability to rotate in all three axis's giving you six activating motions instead of the regular two front to back + side to side of the traditional joystick - (6) – more recently, (approximately 2007) The Lord chose to show me the wildest new type of virtual reality game room where you are held in the center of a room by cables to a belt standing on a carpet of ball bearings so that you can walk + run in place
He chose to show me the wildest new type For video, how about the ceiling, floor + all 4 walls having your video game projected on them so the game graphics move around you It makes it like you are actually inside the video game - (7) – some time before I left the nursing home (remember, I have memory problems = closed head injury) I cannot remember many details, like names + dates But I can remember the day that I cried out to God and He was so loving to answer me, I ask for a way to help the tribulation saints so they could better make it through the rough tribulation especially during the great tribulation when they will find themselves running for their lives off the power grid and hiding out in nature One amazing gift He has shown me is a Free Energy machine which uses geometry size change in pulleys to actually multiply power
Welcome to the END TIMES
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